April 28, 2020

Safe work protocols
For companies and individuals returning to work in the post-Covid-19 era, it is absolutely essential to operate in a manner that protects employees, clients and the general public. It is not business as usual. Act like a safety company that happens to be in the landscape profession. Use the information compiled below as guidance to update your safety policies and procedures — and put them into action to keep everyone safe. Continue to check back here often as the situation is constantly evolving, or contact Workplace Safety and Prevention Services for more resources.
Guidance documents for workplaces during the COVID-19 outbreak:
View all of the Ontario Government Guidelines.
Key protocols
Reminder: Refer to the Posters and Signage page for additional Health & Safety resources
CNLA/Landscape Canada Covid-19 protocols for contractorsCNLA/Garden Centres Canada Covid-19 protocols for garden centres
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) guidelines: Business Continuity Plan Infectious Diseases
Government of Canada Advice for essential retailers during Covid-19 pandemic
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS) Tools for employers: Business Pandemic Preparedness Checklist; Model Policy on Pandemic Flu and Infectious Illnesses
Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado (ALCC) provides Landscape Industry Health & Safety Guidance for Business Operations to support implementation of protocols to mitigate hazardous exposures at landscape work sites.
NVK Covid-19 Customer Action Plan
Anonymous LO Member Landscape Maintenance Crew Pandemic Operating Policy
Province of Ontario: Construction site health and safety during Covid-19
Legends Landscape Supply Best Practice Guidelines - COVID-19
June 9, 2020
WSPS Health and Safety Guidance for Agricultural Workers in Spanish
WSPS Health and Safety Guidance for Agricultural Supervisors in Spanish
June 4, 2020
SiteOne Landscape Supply provides a weekly COVID screening questionnaire to be used by managers.
May 20,2020
Fact sheets on carpooling and close contact
Two important fact sheets from Public Health Ontario on carpooling as workplaces begin to re-open. Public Health is seeing transmission related to carpooling to work. May 26, 2020
WSPS launches COVID-19 microsite: Includes checklists, webinars, articles, e-Courses etc., categorized based on segments found in the workforce today:
- Businesses open and operating
- Businesses operating remotely/virtually
- Businesses preparing to open/returning after shutdown.
As the Ontario government starts to lift COVID-19 emergency measures, allowing businesses to reopen using a gradual staged approach, WSPS in partnership with Lear Corporation has produced a Post Pandemic Playbook so businesses can restart their operations in a safe and effective manner. This free playbook in combination with WSPS’s recently launched post pandemic resumption checklists can assist businesses both big and small; regardless of industry.
Access the Post Pandemic Business Playbook.
Other resources include:
Post Pandemic Resumption Checklist – Businesses Operating Through the Pandemic
Post Pandemic Resumption Checklist – Businesses Returning to the Workplace after Working remotely
Post Pandemic Resumption Checklist – Businesses Returning after Shutdown of Operations
Recommended Social Distancing Protocols and Procedures for Garden Centres
Flowers Canada (Ontario) provides recommended protocols for retail garden centres to utilize based on guidance from the Province of Ontario and guidelines adopted by other Canadian provinces.
View guidelines.
INVIVO Communications provides this short video on the power of soap and handwashing:
COVID-19 and the Science of Soap.
EIO Solutions Webinar broadcast from May 1, 2020
Watch a replay of the latest in a series of interactive webinars hosted by EIO Solutions for Landscape Ontario members to get relevant information during the COVID-19 crisis. Stay informed with help from Legal, Ministry of Labour and EIO HR experts.
Topics covered include:
Getting Complaint With Regulations and Standards
How To Protect Your Workforce
Questions Employers Have During COVID-19
Liability Employers May Face
Getting In Control Of Your Business
Access Code Password: EIO.COVID-19
Temperature Screening at Workplaces: A “HOT” Topic Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
Read the article.
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services provides Guidance on Health and Safety for Drivers and Truck Drivers during COVID-19.
The new Ontario 511 Trucker Mode makes it easier for truck drivers to access rest area information, also providing Truck Rest Areas as a layer on an interactive map that includes privately owned Truck Friendly Stops, including available washrooms, take-out, vegetarian options and more, courtesy of the Ontario Trucking Association (OTA).
COVID-19: Health Screening Checklist to implement in your workplace for Employees Thank you to Reliable Care Premium Landscapes for sharing this template).
Slide deck from WSPS for Landscape and Nursery Sector employers on Covid-19 risks and prevention
WSPS provides nursery growers and landscape sectors with a PANDEMIC RECOVERY: RETURN-TO-BUSINESS CHECKLIST
This checklist is intended as a self-assessment tool to assist you in ramping back up to regular business operations. While it is a high level guide, it should be adapted and expanded upon to the unique requirements based on your type of business and work activities. Topics include: Compliance Requirements, Pre-Opening Steps, Occupational Health & Safety Requirements,
WSIB provides guidance to workers about filing COVID-19 related claims.
WSPS provides guidance on Avoiding Work Refusals during COVID-19.
WSPS, at the request of the MLTSD, has developed documents aimed at providing sector and job specific health and safety guidance to businesses during COVID-19 pandemic. The following guidance documents are available on the WSPS COVID-19 page.
- Cashiers
- Curbside Pickup and Delivery Services
- Drivers and Truck Drivers
- Equipment Operators and General Labourers
- Executives and Management
- Maintenance and Facilities Maintenance Employees
- Office Administration and Secretarial Staff
- Office Sector
- Retail General Labour Employees
- Retail Sector
- Sales and Customer Service Representatives
- Sales Associates, Customer Service/Marketing
- Warehouse Workers, Forklift Operators & Material Handlers
- Warehousing Sector
Updated Keeping Safe during COVID-19 Resources and Downloads provided by WSPS
This page will be a source for information, resources and updates to equip employers to face the months ahead.
Health Canada provides guidance on Considerations in the use of homemade masks to protect against COVID-19.
Employer Checklist:
Employers should have the following available/accessible to every worker in the workplace/work site:
All of the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) required to work safely.
Pandemic Health & Safety Policies & Procedures.
COVID-19 Outbreak & Social Distancing Policy.
Access to, or a copy of the current Essential Workplaces list with them at all times and posted in their workplace, with the relevant sector(s) highlighted that pertain to their business activity.
Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all products are required to be available at every workplace. This includes every product that is classified as a "hazardous product" under WHMIS that is intended for use, handling or storage in a workplace.
COVID-19 Outbreak and Social Distancing Policy
EIO Solutions shares the following policy with Landscape Ontario members.
To support this policy, a Physical Distancing poster is also available from the Government of Canada.
Supplementary resources
Landscape Alberta has developed a new Pandemic Planning Guide for the Landscape Horticulture Industry in Alberta.
CFIB provides guidance to business owners of occupational health and safety compliance
Trying to navigate all the rules and regulations of workplace health and safety can seem daunting, expensive, and time-consuming, but it doesn’t need to be.
Use this handy guide from CFIB.
Posters demonstrate safe donning and doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
PPE Guidelines - Doffing
PPE Guidelines - Donning
WSPS provides FAQ on PPE Considerations View the FAQ.
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Canadian Business Resilience Network provides resources on containment measures, business continuity, support for business and recovery.
Greenius Coronavirus Landscape Resource Center and Workplace Tools
Construction site health and safety during COVID-19
Find resources, best practices and information to help construction employers understand their rights and responsibilities while operating during COVID-19.
Using Disinfectants correctly and steps for high touch areas
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CM&E) has prepared health and safety tips on proper use of disinfectants.
COVID-19: Employee positive test results – protocols and guidelines
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CM&E) has prepared a resources guide that outlines steps that follow a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
Guidance documents for workplaces and businesses
Government of Canada has prepared various guidance documents including risk-informed decision-making guidelines for workplaces and businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CNLA provides Practical Steps for Pandemic Preparedness for Business.
Transport Canada
Guidance to protect drivers and employees working in commercial vehicle operations.
Rescon's H&S and Working On-Site document
The document is a collection of resources, best practices and information links designed to help construction employers understand their rights and responsibilities while operating during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC)
Downloadable Exposure Prevention, Preparedness and Response Plan in a template format for the construction industry.
Canadian Construction Association (CCA)
COVID-19 - Standardized Protocols for All Canadian Construction Sites
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce with the support of Hicks Morley has prepared:
COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness Toolkit for Ontario Businesses
OHSA: U.S. department of Labour Preparing workplaces for COVID-19
Waterloo Region Home Builders' Association (WRHBA) COVID-19 Industry Updates
LO provides this advice, (supported by Workplace Safety Prevention Services Occupational Hygienists) for businesses that are essential and need to continue to operate now.
Business Continuity Guidance document (Word)
LO members share Policy & Procedure documents:
Garden Holistics policy on Working During the COVID-19 PandemicLandscape Ontario and WSPS partnered to provide Tailgate Talks for the Landscape Profession. Order your copy.
Partner Resources for Sharing:
The Pool & Hot Tub Council of Canada (PHTCC) has created a service notice sign for its Ontario members to post on their job sites to protect employees and the public during the COVID-19 pandemic. LO members can review and adapt accordingly.Get the document.
Inspectors from the Ministry of Labour, Training and Skills Development (MLTSD) will be visiting farms, greenhouses and businesses that bring in temporary foreign agricultural workers. The MLTSD developed the following presentation to support employers in advance of MLTSD inspections to help businesses prepare. Download a slide presentation provides an overview of the MLTSD’s Temporary Foreign Agricultural Workers Initiative, including:
- Risks associated with COVID-19 and how to reduce the spread in the workplace
- What to expect during an inspection for this initiative; and
- Resources to help you prepare.
The Government of Canada has developed detailed specifications for Personal Protective Equipment, such as disposable N95 respirators.