April 20, 2020

Federal Resources
April 29, 2020
Federal government provides links to CECRA program (rent assistance) for small businesses to help commercial property owners pay mortgages and reduce tenant rent:
Program details.
Sign-up form.
April 23, 2020
The Federal Government released an updated link on the CERB Program today, providing answers to questions on the following topics:
Income Requirements
Maternity/Parental benefits
Retired persons
Persons with Disabilities
Part-time Workers
Self-employed and Independent Workers
Employment Insurance
April 17, 2020
Recent Federal Government Changes: CERB expansions, temporary foreign worker support and new rent assistance
The federal government recently announced expanded CERB ($2,000 support) to include workers earning less than $1,000 a month, seasonal workers affected by COVID-19 and those whose EI has run out since January 1; that businesses who hire temporary foreign workers (TFW), the government will also give you $1,500 for each TFW to help pay for their 14 day quarantine; a new commercial rent assistance program has been proposed and will offer a combination of loans and forgivable loans to commercial property owners who dramatically reduce rent for commercial tenants. (Details to follow).
April 14, 2020
Federal government provides links to CECRA program (rent assistance) for small businesses to help commercial property owners pay mortgages and reduce tenant rent:
Program details.
Sign-up form.
April 23, 2020
The Federal Government released an updated link on the CERB Program today, providing answers to questions on the following topics:
Income Requirements
Maternity/Parental benefits
Retired persons
Persons with Disabilities
Part-time Workers
Self-employed and Independent Workers
Employment Insurance
April 17, 2020
Recent Federal Government Changes: CERB expansions, temporary foreign worker support and new rent assistance
The federal government recently announced expanded CERB ($2,000 support) to include workers earning less than $1,000 a month, seasonal workers affected by COVID-19 and those whose EI has run out since January 1; that businesses who hire temporary foreign workers (TFW), the government will also give you $1,500 for each TFW to help pay for their 14 day quarantine; a new commercial rent assistance program has been proposed and will offer a combination of loans and forgivable loans to commercial property owners who dramatically reduce rent for commercial tenants. (Details to follow).
April 14, 2020
Updated resource page for all Federal programs and supports
April 9, 2020
Canada Emergency Business Account launches, offering interest-free loans up to $40,000
April 2, 2020CFIB provides updates on How the Federal Government is supporting small business
NEWS: March 25, 2020
Government introduces Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) to help workers and businesses
To support workers and help businesses keep their employees, the government has proposed legislation to establish the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB). This taxable benefit would provide $2,000 a month for up to four months for workers who lose their income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The CERB would be a simpler and more accessible combination of the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and Emergency Support Benefit.
March 30, 2020
Federal Government announces more details today with more to come March 31, 2020.
NEWS: March 23, 2020
The Federal Government is now offering Virtual Assistant for Canadians to ask questions
More information
Canada: What You Need to Know About Coronavirus Disease
- COVID-19 Updates
- Travel Advice
- Being Prepared
- Symptoms and Treatment
- Prevention and Risk
- Canada’s Response
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
Across Canada outbreak updates
Resources for Canadian Businesses
- Support for employees
- Support for businesses
- Business travel and events
- Business in international markets
Support for Canadians and businesses
- Support for Canadians
- Income Support for Individuals Who Need it Most
- Flexibility for Taxpayers
- Mortgage Default Management Tools
- Role of Financial Institutions
- Support for Businesses
- Supporting Canadian Businesses Through the Canada Account
- Helping Businesses Keep Their Workers
- Flexibility for Businesses Filing Taxes
- Ensuring Businesses have Access to Credit
- Supporting Financial Market Liquidity
Employment insurance
Guidance from the Government of Canada on completing Record of Employment (ROE) documentsSee section In your workplace > Employment Insurance - Record of Employment

Provincial Resources
April 30, 2020
Ontario Providing Employers with Workplace Safety Guidelines
Ontario is beginning to release safety guidelines to protect workers, customers and the general public from COVID-19 as it prepares for a gradual reopening of the provincial economy.
Landscape Sector-specific guidelines are not yet included; please stay tuned. Once released, the sector will receive guidelines that contain recommendations and tips for employers on how to keep workers safe on the job. Posters for both employers and workers will also offer advice on preventative actions, including physical distancing and workplace sanitation.
April 23, 2020
Ontario Extends Emergency Orders to Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19 until May 6, 2020.
F​ull announcement.
NEWS: April 2, 2020
CFIB highlights Ontario’s COVID-19 Relief Measures for Businesses
NEWS: March 25, 2020
Ontario: Stop the Spread Business Information Line Now Open at 1-888-444-3659
The province has launched a toll-free line 1-888-444-3659 to provide support to Ontario businesses who have questions about the province's recent emergency order to close at-risk workplaces following recommendations by Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health.
NEWS: March 24, 2020
Ontario Providing Electricity Relief to Families, Small Businesses and Farms During COVID-19
NEWS: March 23, 2020
List of Essential Services as Posted by the Provincial Government
Landscape Ontario is undertaking interpretation steps.
NEWS: March 23, 2020
Ontario Premier Doug Ford is ordering all non-essential stores and services to close starting Tuesday at 11:59 p.m. in an attempt to slow the spread of COVID-19
Ministry of Health COVID-19:
Ontario Significantly Enhancing COVID-19 Screening Measures and Supports (March 23, 2020)
COVID-19 Self-Assessment
Interactive Self-Assessment Tool Now Available to Help Keep People Safe
If you think you have coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use this self-assessment to help determine how to seek further care.
Ministry of Health
- Status of cases in Ontario
- Declaration of emergency
- Coronaviruses
- The 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Current affected areas
- Returning from travel
- Laboratory testing
- How Ontario is responding
- Symptoms and treatment
- How to protect yourself
- How to self-isolate
- How to care for someone with COVID-19
- Ontario Together calls for suppliers and solutions
- Information on the 2019 novel coronavirus for health care professionals
- Ontario news about the 2019 novel coronavirus
- Information sheet (available in multiple languages)
Public Health Ontario