May 8, 2020

Business Continuity
A business continuity plan describes how an organization will continue to function during or after some kind of emergency, disaster or event. It involves planning how your key services or products can be continued, and the recovery of key business and systems. Use the information compiled below as guidance to update your business continuity plan. Continue to check back here often as the situation is constantly evolving.
Key Protocols
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services provides Guidance Documents for our Workplaces during COVID-19 Outbreak:
Health and Safety for Garden Centre Sector, Lawn Care and Landscape Workers, Drivers and Truck Drivers, Agricultural and Office Workers, and more have been compiled online at
For the full list of Guidance Documents, see the Ontario website.
Workplace Safety Prevention Services provides a Pandemic Recovery: Return-To-Business-Checklist
This checklist is intended as a self-assessment tool to assist you in ramping back up to regular business operations. While it is a high level guide, it should be adapted and expanded upon to the unique requirements based on your type of business and work activities.
Topics include: Compliance Requirements, Pre-Opening Steps, Occupational Health & Safety Requirements.
Download the checklist.
CCOHS Resources
CCOHS has a number of free pandemic related offerings. This is available in both English and French until the end of the COVID-19 pandemic.
See the full listing here.
Cleaning and Disinfection for Community Facilities
Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s recommendations on the cleaning and disinfection of rooms or areas occupied by those with suspected or with confirmed COVID-19.
WSPS updates the Pandemic Preparedness Plan.
Greenius has developed another free landscape business tool to its COVID-19 Work Rules Course and test. This new safety module covers adjusted work rules for operating under COVID-19 and other communicable viruses. Train your crews on how to work safely in teams and on their own while combating the spread of COVID-19. To access the new COVID-19 Work Rules Course in addition to the Hand-Washing Mini-series, please visit the
Coronavirus Landscape Resource Center and Workplace Tools and use the provided form to submit your request.
COVID-19: Employee positive test results – protocols and guidelines
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CM&E) has prepared a resources guide that outlines steps that follow a positive COVID-19 diagnosis.
Canadian Construction Association (CCA)
COVID-19 - Standardized Protocols for All Canadian Construction Sites
Government of Canada
Provides a framework to support risk-informed decision-making about the public health actions for businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic
Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS)
Tools for employers:
- Business Pandemic Preparedness CheckList
- Model Policy on Pandemic Flu & Infectious Illnesses
LO provides guidance, (supported by Workplace Safety Prevention Services Occupational Hygienists) for businesses that are essential and need to continue to operate now.
Business Continuity Guidance document (Word)
Policy Templates
Construction Industry Safety Coalition (CISC) has published a downloadable Exposure Prevention, Preparedness and Response Plan in a template format for the construction industry.Workplace Safety and Prevention Services (WSPS)
Tools for employers:
- Business Pandemic Preparedness CheckList
- Model Policy on Pandemic Flu & Infectious Illnesses
Health and Safety
Supplementary Resources
Free Publications (PDFs)Flu and Infectious Disease Outbreaks Business Plan
Emergency Response Planning Guide
Telework and Home Office Health and Safety Guide
Free Posters and Infographics
Fatigue and Work (infographic)
Sitting at Work (infographic)
Prevent the Spread (infographic)
Get the Upper Hand on Germs (poster)
Prevent the Spread (poster)
Workplace Stress
CCOHS APP and Fact Sheets
Free Online App
Apple iOS: Close to 700 fact sheets on a myriad of topics, including coronavirus.
Android: Includes some, but not all fact sheets.
Canadian Chamber of Commerce's Canadian Business Resilience Network provides​ resources on containment measures, business continuity, support for business and recovery.
Construction site health and safety during COVID-19
Find resources, best practices and information to help construction employers understand their rights and responsibilities while operating during COVID-19.
Garden Centres Canada provides COVID-19 protocols to Garden Centres
CNLA provides Practical Steps for Pandemic Preparedness for Business.
Transport Canada has developed guidance to protect drivers and employees working in commercial vehicle operations.
Rescon's H&S and Working On-Site document
The document is a collection of resources, best practices and information links designed to help construction employers understand their rights and responsibilities while operating during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is not a legal document and all employers are advised to seek legal advice as part of their overall due diligence process. While the situation is changing daily, the legislation and regulations used to govern Ontario’s workplaces has not. Employers still have the duty to keep workers and work sites safe and free of hazards and workers still have the right to refuse unsafe work. Effective communication of new safety procedures and policies will help ensure positive outcomes.
Coronavirus Landscape Resource Centre and Workplace Tools.
No-Cost COVID-19 Safety Tools & Resource Centre for the Green Industry including Tailgate Talks.
Waterloo Region Home Builders' Association (WRHBA)
COVID-19 Industry Updates
Member Provided Resources
Legends Landscape SupplyBest Practice Guidelines - COVID-19
This document has been created to help all landscape companies to acknowledge that the COVID-19 virus has to be dealt with in a serious manner.
Anonymous LO Member
Landscape Maintenance Crew Pandemic Operating Policy
Covid-19 Customer Action Plan
Sample Member Communications to Clients
Please note that these letters are samples from our members and can be time sensitive as the COVID-19 situation is changing daily.
Vanden Bussche Irrigation - Letter to customers on COVID-19Dear Valued Customer
LO Congress - Letter to the Landscape and Horticulture Profession on COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
Hermanns - Letter to Customers and Partners Regarding COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
NVK - Letter to Valued Customers Regarding COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
Greentario - Letter to Valued Customers Regarding COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
Gelderman - Letter to Valued Customers Regarding COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
Geosynthetic Systems - Letter to Valued Customers Regarding COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
Canadale - Letter to Valued Customers Regarding COVID-19
Dear Valued Customer
DisinfectantsCurrent list of products that meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) criteria for use against Sars-CoV-2, the cause of COVID-19.
Using Disinfectants correctly and steps for high touch areas
Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CM&E) has prepared health and safety tips on proper use of disinfectants.
Business Continuity
May 8, 2020
Landscape Alberta has developed a new Pandemic Planning Guide for the Landscape Horticulture Industry in Alberta.
Consulting By Hart provides complimentary 15-minute business coaching. Contact Jacki Hart to schedule a call.
Ontario Helping Businesses Overcome the Unique Challenges Created by COVID-19
A new website is accepting proposals for temporary changes to rules and regulations to support ongoing work during COVID-19.
More information.
Government invests $2.5 million to grow agri-food e-business during COVID-19
The Agri-Food Open for e-Business initiative will help food producers, farmers markets, retailers, garden centres, greenhouses, nurseries, and agricultural associations develop online business, providing consumers with greater access to a wide variety of food and agriculture products.
Details online.
CFIB FAQ’s related to Business Continuity.
An article from Jacki Hart on Emerging from COVID-19 with a More Deeply Engaged, Focused Team
CNLA resources to the landscape profession across Canada.
The Federal Government releases more information about CEWS (75% wage subsidy)
Beginning April 27, applications will be open for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy.
Most businesses may apply using My Business Account. Employers are advised to confirm this account is set up in advance.
Details online.
Mileage Rates from CRA
Ontario Starts Economic Recovery ​Planning
BLG provides: The Economic Impact of COVID-19: Practical strategies for Canadian businesses
BLG provides guidance on COVID-19: Raising capital in the current Canadian private market
CNLA provides Practical Steps for Pandemic Preparedness for Business.
Southbrook Consulting provides business owners a great planning resource
Financial Survive to Thrive Plan – Canada
VandenBussche Irrigation shares Special report: Nine action items contractors can execute now to survive.
Warren Coughlin provided LO with ‘The New Landscape: Strategic Planning in the COVID Economy' webinar recently, and has generously offered to provide these resources aimed at business owners to help us to navigate through these difficult times. LMN is supporting the industry during COVID-19 and providing businesses with the following tools:
- Budget Software for life
- Budget Workshops online
- Pro Package Software for 2 months for new customers
- LMN Academy Online Software Training - Budgeting, Estimating, Scheduling, Invoicing, Job Costing
Pandemic Preparedness and Responding to COVID-19
Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC)
Business continuity plan and templates for entrepreneurs​
Canadian Chamber of Commerce
Planning framework document
The Ontario Chamber of Commerce with the support of Hicks Morley has prepared:
COVID-19 Pandemic Preparedness Toolkit for Ontario Businesses
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health & Safety (CCOHS) guidelines:
Business Continuity Plan Infectious Diseases
OHSA - U.S. department of Labour
Preparing workplaces for COVID-19