July 3, 2020

Virtual snow forecast this July
Snowposium, Landscape Ontario’s annual gathering of snow and ice professionals, is going to look a lot different this year. In addition to adjusting for the Covid-19 pandemic, the event, typically held in September, will be held on July 28 this year.
Covid-19 has made it impossible for the Landscape Ontario Snow and Ice Management Group to host a live, face-to-face conference and trade show, but that has not stopped them. Instead, the committee has chosen to adapt and is proud to bring you the same knowledge and resources in a digital format.
The 2020 edition of Snowposium will be a virtual event. The cost to attend is $40 for an LO or SIMA member, and $65 for a non-member. The fee includes access to a one-day trade show featuring the latest snow and ice equipment, technology and services from a variety of exhibitors. In addition, the online education sessions will cover relevant topics, including industry trends, slip-and-fall insurance, salt and liquids, and more.
Attendees will also get the chance to hear what Landscape Ontario and the committee have been up to in regards to the push for legislative change around slip and fall claims. And if that isn’t enough, there will also be a chance to hear from those in the industry, via a Town Hall format, plus video demos that will give you a chance to ask questions.
While most people are not familiar with these kinds of events, rest assured, you will get to experience almost everything you would at a face-to-face conference and trade show, and with a few extra additions.
The latest products and services are always a huge reason why people attend trade shows, and Snowposium’s Exhibitor Product Showcase will include videos of products and equipment. You will also be able to get quotes and support documents on products.
Don’t miss the Virtual Networking Happy Hour from 4-5:00 p.m., featuring a prize draw at the end!
Your virtual Snowposium experience will include support from the LO event team, as well as assistance from platform professionals for the entire time you use the platform.
Snowposuim 2020 is a huge change for attendees, exhibitors, presenters and organizers. Taking the time to step out of your comfort zone to learn how to connect to the most up-to-date information, products and services will benefit your business, staff and your clients.
LO’s Snow and Ice Management Group would like to thank you in advance for your support and patience, and looks forward to connecting with you at its virtual Snowposium.
Covid-19 has made it impossible for the Landscape Ontario Snow and Ice Management Group to host a live, face-to-face conference and trade show, but that has not stopped them. Instead, the committee has chosen to adapt and is proud to bring you the same knowledge and resources in a digital format.
The 2020 edition of Snowposium will be a virtual event. The cost to attend is $40 for an LO or SIMA member, and $65 for a non-member. The fee includes access to a one-day trade show featuring the latest snow and ice equipment, technology and services from a variety of exhibitors. In addition, the online education sessions will cover relevant topics, including industry trends, slip-and-fall insurance, salt and liquids, and more.
Attendees will also get the chance to hear what Landscape Ontario and the committee have been up to in regards to the push for legislative change around slip and fall claims. And if that isn’t enough, there will also be a chance to hear from those in the industry, via a Town Hall format, plus video demos that will give you a chance to ask questions.
While most people are not familiar with these kinds of events, rest assured, you will get to experience almost everything you would at a face-to-face conference and trade show, and with a few extra additions.
What’s new?
The virtual environment for this year’s Snowposium offers some unique features. Attendees and exhibitors will be able to start networking online a few days prior to the event. Based on your attendee profile, the platform will match you with others attending the conference and suggest people you should meet. Attendees will also be able to set up and schedule meetings with exhibitors and connect via chat or video call. You will also have the ability to create your own interactive schedule and set reminders when for your favourite sessions or demos.The latest products and services are always a huge reason why people attend trade shows, and Snowposium’s Exhibitor Product Showcase will include videos of products and equipment. You will also be able to get quotes and support documents on products.
Don’t miss the Virtual Networking Happy Hour from 4-5:00 p.m., featuring a prize draw at the end!
Your virtual Snowposium experience will include support from the LO event team, as well as assistance from platform professionals for the entire time you use the platform.
Snowposuim 2020 is a huge change for attendees, exhibitors, presenters and organizers. Taking the time to step out of your comfort zone to learn how to connect to the most up-to-date information, products and services will benefit your business, staff and your clients.
LO’s Snow and Ice Management Group would like to thank you in advance for your support and patience, and looks forward to connecting with you at its virtual Snowposium.