August 28, 2018

Applewod Garden Club members, Liz Primeau, David Pavanel and Mary Jean Kucerak delivered a $3,000 donation, accepted by LO's Denis Flanagan.
The Three Amigos
For several years the Applewood Garden Club, a small Mississauga, Ont., group formed 20 years ago to share gardening advice and give back to the community, has held a fundraising evening featuring a celebrity speaker. This year there were three: Denis Flanagan, Mark Cullen and Frank Ferragine (aka Frankie Flowers) who addressed achieving biodiversity as well as beauty in ornamental gardens. The trio entertained an audience of 130 in the Great Hall at the Unitarian Congregation in Mississauga and $3,000 was raised for the Highway of Heroes Living Tribute Campaign. From left, above: Applewood’s founding president, Liz Primeau, president David Pavanel, past-president Mary Jean Kucerak, and LO’s Denis Flanagan accepting the donation.