July 15, 2013

Halyomorpha halys.
Survey to determine spread of stink bug
The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the Ministry of Rural Affairs, together with the University of Guelph and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, are conducting surveys across southern Ontario in 2013 and 2014 on the brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB), Halyomorpha halys.
Established in the Hamilton area and expected to spread, the pest poses a significant risk to horticulture crops. Early detection in new geographic areas is important for limiting economic loss to Ontario’s agriculture sector.
These surveys will assess the distribution and abundance of BMSB, identify habitats suitable for build-up and associated agricultural areas at high risk for damage, and develop an inventory of natural enemies.
Early detection in new areas is critical for protecting Ontario crops. For more information and tips on how to identify BMSB, visit ontario.ca/stinkbug.
Report BMSB to the Agricultural Information Contact Centre by email to ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca, or call 1-877-424-1300. Collect suspect specimens for confirmation. Good quality digital photos, showing key features such as the two white bands on each antenna, can also be useful for identifying BMSB.
BMSB has a wide host range that includes agricultural crops such as tree fruit and nuts, small fruit, grapes, tomatoes, and more. However, it also attacks garden plants and trees commonly found in the landscape (catalpa, maple, ash, tree-of-heaven, lilac, buckthorn, butterfly bush, mulberry, etc.).
Infestations normally occur between June and September. Adults often overwinter in human-made structures including homes. Reports from homeowners are often the first indication of local establishment.
Established in the Hamilton area and expected to spread, the pest poses a significant risk to horticulture crops. Early detection in new geographic areas is important for limiting economic loss to Ontario’s agriculture sector.
These surveys will assess the distribution and abundance of BMSB, identify habitats suitable for build-up and associated agricultural areas at high risk for damage, and develop an inventory of natural enemies.
Early detection in new areas is critical for protecting Ontario crops. For more information and tips on how to identify BMSB, visit ontario.ca/stinkbug.
Report BMSB to the Agricultural Information Contact Centre by email to ag.info.omafra@ontario.ca, or call 1-877-424-1300. Collect suspect specimens for confirmation. Good quality digital photos, showing key features such as the two white bands on each antenna, can also be useful for identifying BMSB.
BMSB has a wide host range that includes agricultural crops such as tree fruit and nuts, small fruit, grapes, tomatoes, and more. However, it also attacks garden plants and trees commonly found in the landscape (catalpa, maple, ash, tree-of-heaven, lilac, buckthorn, butterfly bush, mulberry, etc.).
Infestations normally occur between June and September. Adults often overwinter in human-made structures including homes. Reports from homeowners are often the first indication of local establishment.