January 3, 2024
Stronger together

When I hear the words "Landscape Ontario" or proudly mention my affiliation as an LO member and volunteer, I am flooded with emotions. I envision a dynamic community of passionate individuals dedicated to nurturing the environment, shaping breathtaking outdoor spaces and fostering sustainable practices. The words that resonate include professionalism, excellence and a commitment to the beauty of the earth and enhancing communities.
The essence of our association lies in its dedication to advancing our profession. Collectively, we are stewards of green spaces and advocates for sustainable landscaping practices. Through collaborative efforts and shared knowledge, LO cultivates an atmosphere of continuous learning, community and innovation, inspiring us to push boundaries and elevate standards.
Reflecting on our collective journey, LO has undertaken remarkable initiatives that have left a legacy. Our chapters have spearheaded community projects, promoting environmental awareness and educating the public on the transformative power of landscaping. These efforts have not only enhanced the landscapes we touch but also fostered a deeper appreciation for our profession among communities, government bodies and individual clients.
As we move forward, our focus is on fostering inclusivity and promoting the value of our profession. By raising our collective voice, advocating for industry recognition and emphasizing the positive impact of landscaping on everyone’s lives, we will ensure that whenever LO is mentioned it evokes feelings of admiration, trust and appreciation. You don’t just want to be involved; you feel you need to be.
As we step into the new year, let’s keep strengthening our bonds. My goal is to continue to build a space we all need to be a part of. We are stronger together: by sharing where we are strong, and by relying on others to assist where we need development and understanding. Together, we can shape a future where Landscape Ontario is synonymous with innovation, inclusion and excellence in all we do.
I am ready for our collective strides as we make this journey together.
Ed Hansen
LO President
LO President