October 4, 2024

Spotted lanternfly reporting guidance for landscaping professionals
What to do if someone comes to you and they think they found a spotted lanternfly
Spotted lanternfly is an invasive species with anticipated impacts to our wine, nursery and forestry industry. It is a regulated pest in Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has not yet confirmed any established populations of spotted lanternfly in Canada.At this stage, reporting any suspected finds of SLF remains incredibly important.
As a professional or main contact person in the nursery and landscape industry, you may be approached by a client, staff or other member of the public who thinks they have found a spotted lanternfly.
Please ensure you follow these steps:
- Ask that person to send you clear photos, ask for the location they saw the spotted lanternfly and instruct them to try and collect a live or dead sample.
- Review the photos: if you are unsure if the specimen is a spotted lanternfly, please refer to the information links and reference photos below. You can also send photos to get a second opinion to jwest@landscapeontario.com or cassie.russell@ontario.ca.
- If you have confidence the specimen is in fact a spotted lanternfly, ask the individual to collect as much information as possible and report the find to the CFIA.
Some commonly mistaken insects include: box elder bugs, European fire bugs, moths or other kinds of egg masses.
Remember that the CFIA will be the agency who ultimately confirms if a spotted lanternfly is found in Ontario and will provide direction on next steps and actions for the individual reporting the find.
Report ALL sightings via inspection.canada.ca/pests
More information and links:
Spotted Lanternfly – CFIA
Spotted Lanternfly – Ontario
Spotted Lanternfly – Printable Pest Alert Poster
Spotted Lanternfly - Printable Info cards (CFIA)
Spotted Lanternfly Info – Invasive Species Centre