October 4, 2024
Spotted lanternfly posters for businesses and professionals
Landscape Ontario and the Invasive Species Centre have developed a poster that can be downloaded or shared with those working at nursery operations and/or landscape professionals to help identify what to look for throughout the various stages of spotted lanternfly's lifecycle and what action to take if the pest is spotted.
The QR code at the bottom of the poster will take you directly to the reporting link on the CFIA website.
The posters are available in both image (.PNG) format and .PDF format in English, French and Spanish.
If you see spotted lanternfly, try to take a picture of it. They are very jumpy and hard to photograph!
If you are able to catch it, please make note of where you found it (could also take a picture of the area) and what life stage you observed (egg mass, nymph, or adult). Most importantly – “See it? Squish it!”.
Report any sightings to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as soon as possible. (LINK)
If you’re not sure what to do, or want more information, see the resources section below or contact:
Dr. Jeanine West, Grower Technical Analyst at Landscape Ontario: jwest@landscapeontario.com
Cassie Russell, Nursery and Landscape Specialist, OMAFA: cassie.russell@ontario.ca
The QR code at the bottom of the poster will take you directly to the reporting link on the CFIA website.
The posters are available in both image (.PNG) format and .PDF format in English, French and Spanish.
If you see spotted lanternfly, try to take a picture of it. They are very jumpy and hard to photograph!
If you are able to catch it, please make note of where you found it (could also take a picture of the area) and what life stage you observed (egg mass, nymph, or adult). Most importantly – “See it? Squish it!”.
Report any sightings to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) as soon as possible. (LINK)
If you’re not sure what to do, or want more information, see the resources section below or contact:
Dr. Jeanine West, Grower Technical Analyst at Landscape Ontario: jwest@landscapeontario.com
Cassie Russell, Nursery and Landscape Specialist, OMAFA: cassie.russell@ontario.ca
Report ALL sightings via inspection.canada.ca/pests
More information and links:
Spotted Lanternfly – CFIA
Spotted Lanternfly – Ontario
Spotted Lanternfly – Printable Pest Alert Poster
Spotted Lanternfly - Printable Info cards (CFIA)
Spotted Lanternfly Info – Invasive Species Centre
Report ALL sightings via inspection.canada.ca/pests