November 15, 2016
Snow contractors honour David Lammers

“A man of principles, beliefs and a sense of fairness, David Lammers is strong in faith and family, qualities that have shaped his personal and professional life,” Mike Zawacki, editor of Snow magazine, said during the award presentation. “Many close to him describe the David Lammers they know as wearing two distinct faces... one is the serious down-to-business face and the other is the big gregarious smile when he’s joking around and having fun. Snow magazine and the ASCA were honored to recognize David Lammers with a Leadership Award during the 2016 Executive Summit.”
Lammers graciously accepted the award on behalf of his team.
“The one thing that I want to be very clear of this evening is that this award is not about me as much as it is about this industry,” he said. “I’m a firm believer, having started this company with my brother from scratch, like many of us have, we do not inherit much; we have to make everyday what we do. We have to inspire, lead, empower and give vision at all levels through our organization. I stand here among you because it is about what we have to do to inspire and lead everyday in an incredible industry that is built on strength and power and an industry that is built on loyalty as well as true work ethic.”