February 15, 2016
Prosperity among peers - Lexi Dearborn

Lexi Dearborn CLD
Lexi Dearbon, Dearborn Designs & Associates
Q. In what ways has being a member of the Peer to Peer Network been helpful to you as business owner?
A. I made two business decisions in 2015 — one was to apply for my CLD (got it) and the other was to join the Peer to Peer Network. These are two of the best decisions I’ve made in years – for me and my business.
Joining Peer to Peer was an eye-opening experience. I was a bit nervous about going to my first meeting. I wasn’t sure what I’d signed up for, however, a big hug from Tim Kearney helped calm my nerves, and sitting with such an amazing group of business owners who were also so willing to share their ideas and experiences left me feeling excited about my own business. As a sole proprietor, I think it’s easy to feel like I am the only one experiencing the ups and downs of business. Peer to Peer has given me the opportunity to meet with other business owners on an equal playing field. I’m not alone. I’m part of a group of business owners. And it’s our differences that really make the group so interesting and fun.
Q. Describe your biggest ‘Aha Moment’ from one of the workshop discussions
A. My ‘Aha Moment’ really is a bunch of moments all put together. Learning to trust other business owners by opening up and telling them about some of the ‘ugly’ moments I’ve had in business is not easy. No one wants to show ‘their weak side.’ I trust this group will understand, be supportive and in the end, have my back. Now that’s trust. I’ve gained confidence from sharing what I know and from listening to others. Tapping into the collaborative wisdom is an amazing thing!
Q. How do you feel when you work face-to-face with peers on pressing business issues?
A. I’m feeling inspired, more confident and more engaged in my business. It’s very exciting! Jackie and Tim have created an environment where it’s safe for sharing, where I’ve made wonderful business connections and where business owners germinate rich opportunities for amazing, innovative ideas. I find myself looking for solutions ‘outside the box.’ I’m thinking bigger. I’ve been able to create powerful visions and strategies for my business.