July 15, 2015

Oak commemorates OHS
Each year Landscape Ontario donates a tree to be planted to mark the annual meeting of the Ontario Horticultural Society. This year a Quercus rubra (red oak) was planted at Redeemer University College in Ancaster by Gelderman Landscape Services of Waterdown. The convention took place there from July 3-5. A dedication ceremony of the convention tree was held opening day. In photo, from left, James Hutton, Gelderman Landscape Services; Yolanda Bax, Redeemer College Campus Services; Leslie Wright, chair of Memorial Tree Committee; Doreen Gringhuis, Director Campus Services; Dan DaCosta, of Gelderman’s, and Chuck VanderKolk, groundskeeper at Redeemer College. The plaque on the tree reads, “Donated by Landscape Ontario. Planted on the occasion of the 2015 Convention of the Ontario Horticultural Association, hosted by District 6.”