October 4, 2019
New roses
Rosa multiflora Pretty Polly
Polyantha rose
Pretty Polly roses maintain a compact habit in the landscape and produces cuplike, double flowers. This new series
includes: Lavender (shown), Pink, and White.
Star Roses
Rosa floribunda Our Anniversary
Floribunda rose
A one-of-a-kind velvety red bloomer that changes to plum purple. The high-centre flowers grow in large clusters and bloom freely throughout the growing season. This floribunda rose celebrates J.C. Bakker and Sons’ 70th anniversary.
J.C. Bakker and Sons
Rosa x Ringo
Rose hybrid
Ringo has a dazzling, visual effect in the landscape or garden with its yellow blooms, each graced with a bold red ring in the centre. As the blooms age they fade to white with a pink ring. Ringo can be grown on its own, as a hedge or in a garden. Hardiness zone 4
Spring Meadow Nursery; Hillen Nursery