August 30, 2022

From left: Milton MP Adam van Koeverden, LO President Lindsay Drake Nightingale, Deputy Executive Director Joe Salemi and Executive Director Tony DiGiovanni.
MP Adam van Koeverden visits Landscape Ontario
Milton Member of Parliament Adam van Koeverden visited Landscape Ontario’s home office in Milton, Ont., on July 26, 2022. LO president Lindsay Drake Nightingale, and staff members Tony DiGiovanni, Joe Salemi and Scott Barber gave van Koeverden a tour of the facility and trial gardens, and discussed key issues, including workforce development and the GROW Training Program.
The Olympic gold medallist and current Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and the Minister of Sport congratulated the association on its work on the federally supported GROW program, as well as its recent acceptance of several federal government grants, including the Canadian Periodical Fund’s Special Measures for Journalism grant and the Canada Summer Jobs grant, which supported a summer journalism intern position.
The Olympic gold medallist and current Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Health and the Minister of Sport congratulated the association on its work on the federally supported GROW program, as well as its recent acceptance of several federal government grants, including the Canadian Periodical Fund’s Special Measures for Journalism grant and the Canada Summer Jobs grant, which supported a summer journalism intern position.