September 15, 2015

Membership Appreciation Days visited Grand River Natural Stone in London. Some of those at the event include, in front from left, staff from Rural Roots Landscaping in Lambeth, Andrea Kennedy, Pam Cook, Dan Litman and Matt Brezden. In back from left, is an unidentified staff member from Grand River Stone, Jarrett Woodard of Grand River Stone and past president of the London Chapter, and Peter Vanderley of Vanderley Landscaping in London, and London Chapter President.
Member appreciation
Denis Flanagan CLD
LO Manager of Membership and Public Relations
LO Manager of Membership and Public Relations

Although our members are very humble when it comes to taking credit for the countless volunteer hours they contribute to the association, we try whenever possible to give credit and recognition of volunteer time by highlighting these members in magazine articles, signage at events, on the LO website, at the Awards of Excellence ceremony and at Chapter meetings and events. We also publish a list of volunteers in the LO Annual Report, which can be seen online at
There is no doubt that the main reason for the success, growth and future of Landscape Ontario is the direct result of the dedication and hard work of its members. Perhaps we will never be able to truly recognize that contribution, but we will strive to do so at every opportunity. With that in mind, if you think of someone in your company and/or chapter who deserves some recognition, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We continue to work with Canadian Nursery Landscape Association to develop a comprehensive network of endorsed suppliers who offer business solutions, networking opportunities and cost saving benefits to owners and employees. These member-only plans are also a way of rewarding you for your effort toward building a viable association and industry.
There really are no words to describe the incredible contribution individual members and chapters make to local communities. We try, as often as possible, to capture ongoing projects, charity work, donations and volunteer time that you so generously give to your neighbourhoods. In turn, we share the heart warming stories and photos with the media.
Time and time again we have captured in photos, video and in print some truly inspiring stories that have had life-changing results. We know that your motivation for being involved is not for the praise and glory, but we believe you truly deserve some time in the spotlight. We will continue to promote your projects. Again, if you know of any members, projects, or stories that deserve to be spotlighted, please contact us.
Membership Appreciation Days were a great success last year. The succession of member visits had us meeting with companies on their job sites. We chatted with employees and recognized customers who hired LO professionals.
In 2015, we implemented a new idea. This involves setting up an LO booth at Associate members’ places of business. The idea is to meet as many member companies and their employees as possible, serve some food and refreshments, listen to feedback and update members on upcoming events.
The other reason, of course, was also to connect with non-members to explain all the benefits of belonging to Landscape Ontario. What better place to meet potential members than at a busy supply yard in the middle of Spring?
So far this summer, we have had great success at Connon Nurseries NVK, Beaver Valley Stone and Grand Valley Stone. It truly is rewarding to meet dozens of members and offer some food and free giveaways as a way of saying thank you for supporting your association.
Denis Flanagan can be reached at or at 905-875-1805, ext. 2303.