December 15, 2014
Matchmaking is now an LO benefit

Jacki and Tim.
LO Executive Director

On November 22, 2014, former LO board members Tim Kearney and Jacki Hart took the concept to a whole new level. They were married in a beautiful, intimate and interactive ceremony, in the presence of friends, family and two dogs at their Bracebridge home overlooking a natural cathedral of trees and gardens. This is a Landscape Ontario first.
I had the honour of being the best man.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Tim for over 25 years. We have spent many hours in deep conversation trying to figure out how to make things better for our industry. I often find myself using Kearneyisms when I am talking to others. Almost all Kearneyisms are about raising the spirit, communicating the wonder of gardens and enhancing lives.
I have also had the pleasure of knowing Jacki for many years. She came into the office one day with an idea that she wanted to share her knowledge and experience in the service of others. With Bob Tubby, we worked very closely developing the Prosperity Partners program.
Although I don’t know for sure when Tim and Jacki met, I suspect it was when they were both on Landscape Ontario’s Board of Directors. They were (and still are) both totally dedicated contributors to the association and industry.
A few years ago, a number of us started seeing signs of a merging relationship. In a sense, this is the first Landscape Ontario marriage. Individually, Jacki and Tim are wonderful people. Together they are an even better hybrid of passion, vision and caring. Together they embody the spirit that resides in the quiet and beauty of the landscapes and gardens of which they both are lovers and stewards.
Jacki and Tim are managing Peers Helping Peers. It’s Landscape Ontario’s new Peer to Peer Network. Find out more at their session at Congress January 5, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Toronto Congress Centre. It’s online at
Tony DiGiovanni may be reached at