March 15, 2010

A capacity audience made the first lighting symposium a huge success.
LO’s lighting symposium has a bright future
The Lighting Sector Group’s lighting symposium has a very bright future, judging by the capacity attendance at the inaugural event.
Held at the Landscape Ontario home office on Feb. 11, over 120 people were in attendance. Already, this symposium has out-grown the Landscape Ontario site. According to LO project coordinator in charge of the symposium, Rachel Burt, “Next year’s symposium will be moved off-site to accommodate the growing number of industry professionals wanting to learn more about landscape lighting.”
She offered a big thank you on behalf of the Lighting Sector Group, Landscape Ontario and the participants to the sponsors that helped make the symposium become such a success. They include Cast Lighting, Copper Moon, Focus Industries, FX Luminaire, Hunza Canada, Kichler Lighitng, LED Lights Direct, Nightscaping, Vista Professional Outdoor Lighting and X10 Pro.
Held at the Landscape Ontario home office on Feb. 11, over 120 people were in attendance. Already, this symposium has out-grown the Landscape Ontario site. According to LO project coordinator in charge of the symposium, Rachel Burt, “Next year’s symposium will be moved off-site to accommodate the growing number of industry professionals wanting to learn more about landscape lighting.”
She offered a big thank you on behalf of the Lighting Sector Group, Landscape Ontario and the participants to the sponsors that helped make the symposium become such a success. They include Cast Lighting, Copper Moon, Focus Industries, FX Luminaire, Hunza Canada, Kichler Lighitng, LED Lights Direct, Nightscaping, Vista Professional Outdoor Lighting and X10 Pro.