August 15, 2013

Derek Geddes of Coldstream Land Escape Company in London and his wife enjoy raising miniature horses. Geddes is a director on the London Chapter Board.
London Chapter earned long list of achievements
The London Chapter has always been a very dedicated and involved group. Its list of achievements is long, with projects involving horticultural programs at Fanshawe College, making a difference with community projects, or coming together as a group for the betterment of the industry.
Through member site visits the Landscape Ontario Membership Department undertook in July, it soon became obvious where the source of that dedication begins. Touring several job sites within the city of London was a great opportunity for LO staff to see work that drives the passion we see influencing the green industry.
One visit was with Derek Geddes of Coldstream Land Escape Company. In addition to some extremely happy homeowners, LO staff met Derek’s crew, and even his wife, daughter and their three miniature horses. This was a great reminder that work/life balance is important to the success of your business and family, but also important to the chapter.
The tour allowed London area residents a great opportunity to visit some professionally landscaped private gardens; gardens that demonstrate the latest in landscape trends, and a range of techniques and plant materials.
“What makes this tour so unique,” says tour organizer Wendy Harry, “is that people on the tour not only get to see breathtaking gardens, but they also speak face-to-face with the men and women who were involved with every aspect of making these beautiful gardens a reality.”
And with so many new plants, materials, construction methods and tools introduced on an annual basis, now more than ever it’s possible to get the back (or front) yard of your dreams. “The mark of a true professional is one who can find creative and cost effective solutions to the challenges and conditions your site may offer,” says Harry.
Money raised from the event goes toward future community projects. In the past, the London Chapter has been involved in Banting House Global Garden, Alex’s Butterfly Garden at London Children’s Hospital and continues working with the City of London on the Veterans Memorial Parkway Community Project — a living memorial to Canada’s veterans.
Through member site visits the Landscape Ontario Membership Department undertook in July, it soon became obvious where the source of that dedication begins. Touring several job sites within the city of London was a great opportunity for LO staff to see work that drives the passion we see influencing the green industry.
One visit was with Derek Geddes of Coldstream Land Escape Company. In addition to some extremely happy homeowners, LO staff met Derek’s crew, and even his wife, daughter and their three miniature horses. This was a great reminder that work/life balance is important to the success of your business and family, but also important to the chapter.
Garden tour
July 13 marked the fifth annual Landscapes of Excellence Garden Tour featuring six stunning gardens all designed and built by local members of the LO’s London Chapter.The tour allowed London area residents a great opportunity to visit some professionally landscaped private gardens; gardens that demonstrate the latest in landscape trends, and a range of techniques and plant materials.
“What makes this tour so unique,” says tour organizer Wendy Harry, “is that people on the tour not only get to see breathtaking gardens, but they also speak face-to-face with the men and women who were involved with every aspect of making these beautiful gardens a reality.”
And with so many new plants, materials, construction methods and tools introduced on an annual basis, now more than ever it’s possible to get the back (or front) yard of your dreams. “The mark of a true professional is one who can find creative and cost effective solutions to the challenges and conditions your site may offer,” says Harry.
Money raised from the event goes toward future community projects. In the past, the London Chapter has been involved in Banting House Global Garden, Alex’s Butterfly Garden at London Children’s Hospital and continues working with the City of London on the Veterans Memorial Parkway Community Project — a living memorial to Canada’s veterans.
Veterans Memorial Parkway
The London Chapter has supported the ongoing revitalization project of the Veterans Memorial Parkway. The landscape vision for the project was created by Ron Koudys CLD, London-based landscape architect well-known to Landscape Ontario members. While there have been some changes in plant/tree selection, the current direction of the project remains closely based on Koudys’s plan. The Chapter has planted 200 large caliper trees on the west side of the VMP in 2011, near the offices of 3M and Starlim, and plans to help install nearly 400 more this fall.London Chapter snapshot
Number of Members: 179Number of Active members: 107
Chapter Board
Jarrett Woodward, President
Peter Vanderley CLP, Provincial Board Rep and Treasurer
Grant Harrison CLT, Past President
Nicola Kamp, Secretary
Derek Geddes, Director
Jerry Hakkers, Director
Michael Martins, Director
Paul Snyders, Director
Jason Zehr, Director