January 15, 2012
LO welcomes Charal as new president

Phil Charal
“I look forward to the presidency and hope to bring relevance to Landscape Ontario members in these trying times,” said Charal.
The new president’s involvement with LO goes back to 1983 when his company Allweather Landscape joined the association. Charal began his volunteer work in 2003 as a member of the Toronto Chapter board, and starting in 2006, served as the chair of the Landscape Contractors sector group. He became treasurer of the association in 2009, and then second vice president in 2010. He also served as co-chair on Canada Blooms board for three years.
Phil Charal has been principal of his company since 1981. He describes the Toronto company as a “design/build firm offering residential and commercial landscape site development services as well as year-round maintenance.” Allweather includes among its 30 employees stone masons, carpenters, horticulturists, designers and machine operators.
The company has won numerous awards for landscape excellence from Canada Blooms, Unilock and Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence program.
Phil has been married 29 years, with two daughters.
The new board was named on Nov. 23. Members will attend the AGM at Congress, when members at the meeting will vote two members at large to the board of directors. As well, a representative on the board is needed for Georgian Lakelands Chapter and the Landscape Designer Sector Group.
Members of the 2012-2013 board of directors are: president, Phil Charal, Allweather Landscape; first vice president; Dave Braun, Braun Nursery; second vice president, Warren Patterson, Botanix - Barrie’s Garden; treasurer/secretary, Paul Brydges, Brydges Landscape; past president, Tom Intven, Canadale Nurseries, and directors, Gerald Boot CLP, Boot’s Landscaping, Snow and Ice; Gerwin Bouman, Stam Nurseries, Growers; Brian Cocks CLT, Brian Cocks Nursery and Landscaping, Golden Horseshoe representative; Paul Doornbos CLT, CLP, Thornbusch Landscaping, Upper Canada; Peter Guinane, Oriole Landscaping, Landscape Contractors; Grant Harrison CLT, Escapes Outdoor Living, London; Ryan Heath CLT, CLP, Ryan Heath Professional Landscaping, Toronto; John Higo, Turf Care Products, Lighting; Mark Humphries, Humphries Landscape, Durham; Steve Macartney CIT, Raintree Irrigation and Outdoor Systems, Irrigation; Brian Marsh, Earth Art Landscapes, Grounds Management; Bob McCannell, McCannell Consulting, Garden Centre; Bruce Morton CLP, CIT, Greenscape Watering Systems, Ottawa; Stephen Schell CLT, The Plant Lady, Interior; Donald Tellier CLT, ODH, CLIA, CIC, CID, CL, St. Clair College, Windsor; Alan White, Turf Systems, Lawn Care, and David Wright CLP, Wright Landscape Services, Waterloo.