January 15, 2008
LO partnerships help spread the message
Denis Flanagan CLD
Manager, membership services
There has been a great deal of discussion over the last year about branding LO and getting our members’ message out to consumers. It seems that there is no single magic solution to the issue. The answer may lie in a concerted effort at a number of levels, through all commodity groups and chapters partnering with various projects, events and organizations to get the LO brand out to as many people as possible.
At LO’s home office we track results through a news clipping service and a Google search. It is amazing how many times Landscape Ontario is mentioned in the media.
One of the most efficient ways to “spread the word” is through partnering with other initiatives. This allows us to piggyback onto a wider marketing vehicle. We have seen the success of this in all chapters at various events. A couple of new projects being worked on are displays and speaking opportunities with the home builders’ associations in both our Upper Canada and London chapters.
Recently we concentrated on forming stronger partnerships with consumer associations. We will have a display and give a presentation at the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) convention, and we are helping Communities in Bloom (CIB) with a large display at Canada Blooms. This will showcase six municipalities, representing the different geographical areas of Ontario. Last month we launched a partnership with the Master Gardeners of Ontario (MGO) by helping them secure a stage area at Canada Blooms and letting them use our Milton office as a mailing address.
It makes sense that like-minded associations follow the same mandate to increase the awareness of horticulture by sharing one home and one garden.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at dflanagan@landscapeontario.com.
Caption: Master Gardener staff and LO staff worked together to create display and other materials.
Manager, membership services

At LO’s home office we track results through a news clipping service and a Google search. It is amazing how many times Landscape Ontario is mentioned in the media.
One of the most efficient ways to “spread the word” is through partnering with other initiatives. This allows us to piggyback onto a wider marketing vehicle. We have seen the success of this in all chapters at various events. A couple of new projects being worked on are displays and speaking opportunities with the home builders’ associations in both our Upper Canada and London chapters.
Recently we concentrated on forming stronger partnerships with consumer associations. We will have a display and give a presentation at the Ontario Horticultural Association (OHA) convention, and we are helping Communities in Bloom (CIB) with a large display at Canada Blooms. This will showcase six municipalities, representing the different geographical areas of Ontario. Last month we launched a partnership with the Master Gardeners of Ontario (MGO) by helping them secure a stage area at Canada Blooms and letting them use our Milton office as a mailing address.
It makes sense that like-minded associations follow the same mandate to increase the awareness of horticulture by sharing one home and one garden.
Denis Flanagan may be contacted at dflanagan@landscapeontario.com.
Caption: Master Gardener staff and LO staff worked together to create display and other materials.