October 15, 2012
LO nursery growers receive help

Dr. Jeanine West
Dr. West was instrumental in developing boxwood blight best management practices for the nursery and retail industries while working as a manager for Sheridan Nurseries. She has a scientific background and practical experience in container and field production and business, as well as nutrient and pest management.
Recently, Dr. West left Sheridan to start an independent horticultural consulting company, PhytoServ. Her main goal through the boxwood project is to advise growers on best management practices, including biosecurity, IPM, traceability, and continual improvement, and to deliver the new IPM Manual to growers.
Her contract runs until October 2013. To contact Jeanine West to book your free on-site consultation, email her at jwest@phytoserv.com, or by phone 705-796-8812.