June 15, 2014
LO celebrates Smart Irrigation Month

LO Sector Group wants to hear from contractors what they are doing to make a positive impact through efficient irrigation and water use.
The Sector Group is using this call to action to celebrate July as Smart Irrigation Month.
Smart Irrigation Month is the U.S.-based Irrigation Association (IA) initiative to increase awareness of the value of water use and grow demand for water-saving products, practices and services.
“LO would like to hear what contractors are doing and invite them to share their efforts by submitting an entry to Landscape Ontario,” says Steve Macartney CIT, of Raintree Irrigation and Outdoor Systems, Brampton, chair of the Sector Group. “Basically, the intent is for contractors to tell us what they are doing big or small.”
The Sector Group will recognize each contractor’s effort by posting names and some entries in a future edition of Landscape Ontario magazine, listing companies on the www.horttrades.com Sector Group website, LO e-news, a press release to consumer media, as well as announcements at the annual irrigation conference and Awards of Excellence gala at Congress 2015.
Whether your business is big or small, focused on agriculture, turf/landscape or golf applications, there are many ways to participate in the Smart Irrigation Month campaign.
First launched in 2005, Smart Irrigation Month is gaining traction as stakeholders recognize the July campaign provides a unified marketing platform designed to educate businesses, homeowners, growers, producers and other users about efficient water use.
“This year our group wants to put more energy into promoting Smart Irrigation Month,” says Macartney. “It’s a great opportunity to help promote the importance of water efficient products, practices and services in our community.” The campaign is also used to highlight new irrigation products and to promote rain sensors to customers.
Many of those who belong to the LO Sector Group are also members of the Irrigation Association, which calls itself the leading membership organization for irrigation companies and professionals. IA promotes efficient irrigation and long-term sustainability of water resources for future generations. It advocates sound water management, and works to grow demand for water-efficient products and services. For more information, visit www.irrigation.org.
The LO Irrigation Sector Group contest began in response to growing demands on water resources everywhere. The industry encourages the promotion of water-saving products, the adoption of best practices and having companies educate customers about how to do more with less. Smart Irrigation Month is the time for the industry to promote a history of innovation and drive public awareness of the value of irrigation from crop production to functional green spaces.
All industry professionals and businesses are encouraged to find creative ways to participate in Smart Irrigation Month by promoting irrigation practices and technologies that can minimize peak water use, reduce demands on infrastructure and communicate the role that efficient irrigation plays in long-term sustainability of water resources.
To enter the contest, fill out the following form http://gfl.me/x28q and email it to smartirrigation@landscapeontario.com.