July 16, 2023
Landscape Ontario magazine
Landscape Ontario magazine is the voice of Landscape Ontario Horticultural Trades Association — a people magazine for a thriving organization with intense member involvement. Landscape Ontario is also a timely business magazine, addressing specific green industry issues with authority.
Landscape Ontario contains industry news, association news, industry issue features, profiles, event announcements, extension bulletins and more.
Reaching over 3,350 readers across Ontario, Landscape Ontario's tight monthly production schedule allows for timely ad placements and polybag inserts, while providing readers with up-to-date news relevant to their business and career.
For information about advertising in our weekly E-Newsletter, click here.
For older editions of Landscape Ontario magazine, see Horticulture Review.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.
Landscape Ontario contains industry news, association news, industry issue features, profiles, event announcements, extension bulletins and more.
Reaching over 3,350 readers across Ontario, Landscape Ontario's tight monthly production schedule allows for timely ad placements and polybag inserts, while providing readers with up-to-date news relevant to their business and career.
Full electronic issues online: FREE
The online version of the printed magazine offers a green alternative that is intuitive and easy to use. Free subscriptions to the electronic issues are available to everyone, including your employees and associates; simply e-mail your request to Angela Lindsay, alindsay@landscapeontario.com.For information about advertising in our weekly E-Newsletter, click here.
For older editions of Landscape Ontario magazine, see Horticulture Review.
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada.