January 17, 2024
Are you seeking the right hire for your business?
Post your jobs at

Increase your potential of finding the perfect candidate by including your company's job postings on the Landscape.Jobs Live! Job Board at Green Trade Expo in Ottawa.
Green Trade Landscape.Jobs Live! Job Board
Display your job postings at Green Trade Expo's Landscape.Jobs Live! Job Board at the EY Centre, 4889 Uplands Drive, Ottawa, Ont., where you will be seen by thousands of visitors over two days between February 14-15, 2024. Email your job postings by February 9, 2024 to Lisa Pascoe at lpascoe@landscapeontario.com.PLEASE NOTE: Space is limited, so postings will be displayed on a first come, first served basis.
Job posting requirements:
- Posting should be no larger than 8.5 x 11" vertical (single page ONLY).
- Posting should include company name/logo, contact name, telephone, email address, job title, work duties, qualifications, start date, and rate of pay.
- Please indicate the job category to be posted under: Administrative, Design, Interior, Irrigation, Landscape Construction, Landscape Maintenance, Lighting, Management, Nursery, Retail, Sales/Marketing, Snow Removal, Turf Care.
- Only one copy of the posting is guaranteed to be posted.
- Please email all job postings to Lisa Pascoe at lpascoe@landscapeontario.com by February 9, 2024.
- After February 9, job postings will be accepted in person at the Landscape Ontario Workforce Development Booth at Green Trade Expo for approval and posting.
Landscape Ontario is offering two complimentary workshops at Green Trade
On the Job Training (OJT) Ottawa Workshop:
February 14, 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Open to employers, supervisors, and trainers in the horticulture industry, this FREE workshop is valued at over $250 each!Facilitated by Master OJT Trainers, these one-day train the trainer workshops will apply industry proven practices that will lead to quicker training, more effective and productive apprentices and trainees, and improved safety and quality standards. Participants will also receive workshop materials, such as OJT reference guides for softscape and hardscape, and job breakdown sheets.
Take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to have your trainers learn new skills to increase the productivity of your organization's workforce.
Space is limited! The workshop includes lunch.
Pre-register online before FEB 5!
For more information or inquiries, please contact Nolan Bechtel at nbechtel@landscapeontario.com.
Please Note: You must also register for GREEN TRADE EXPO separately. Registration is FREE!
Leveraging Apprenticeship Ottawa:
February 15, 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Landscape Ontario is hosting ‘Leveraging Apprenticeship Ottawa’ at Green Trade Expo on February 15.Employers, supervisors and HR specialists are invited to attend this informative event. Come discover how enhancing your training culture by utilizing Apprenticeship within your organization can help to increase your bottom line.
There is no cost to attend! Space is limited. The workshop includes lunch.
For more information or inquiries, please contact Jessica Tucker at jtucker@landscapeontario.com.
Pre-register online NOW!
Please Note: You must also register for GREEN TRADE EXPO separately. Registration is FREE!
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via lpascoe@landscapeontario.com or visit our websites: