January 4, 2020

Warren Patterson, LO President, with Jeff Winkelmolen of Winkelmolen Nursery and Tony DiGiovanni, LO Executive Director.
Growers gather for annual fall dinner
The Landscape Ontario Growers Sector Group held its annual Fall Dinner Meeting on Nov. 26 at Piper’s Heath Golf Course in Milton, Ont.
The end-of-season celebration gives growers a much-needed break to catch up and compare stories on the trials, tribulations and successes of another busy growing season. More than 60 community members enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner and participated in a town hall style discussion on sector issues.
Plaques were also presented to the 2019 LO Growers Awards of Excellence winners. Entries into the various categories were judged and announced at the Industry Auction, held Sept. 12 at J.C. Bakker & Sons Nursery in St. Catharines, Ont.
Jennifer Llewellyn, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, and Bart Brusse, Sheridan Nurseries, provided an update on the box tree moth. The pair are part of a larger industry working group that was formed to help mitigate the spread of this new pest and to educate homeowners and industry on the issue. To learn more about this invasive pest discovered in the Greater Toronto Area, visit HortTrades.com/box-tree-moth for a pest identification card, webinar, and more.
The full list of LO Grower Awards of Excellence winners can be found online at gfl.me/h687.
The end-of-season celebration gives growers a much-needed break to catch up and compare stories on the trials, tribulations and successes of another busy growing season. More than 60 community members enjoyed a delicious buffet dinner and participated in a town hall style discussion on sector issues.
Plaques were also presented to the 2019 LO Growers Awards of Excellence winners. Entries into the various categories were judged and announced at the Industry Auction, held Sept. 12 at J.C. Bakker & Sons Nursery in St. Catharines, Ont.
Jennifer Llewellyn, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture Food and Rural Affairs, and Bart Brusse, Sheridan Nurseries, provided an update on the box tree moth. The pair are part of a larger industry working group that was formed to help mitigate the spread of this new pest and to educate homeowners and industry on the issue. To learn more about this invasive pest discovered in the Greater Toronto Area, visit HortTrades.com/box-tree-moth for a pest identification card, webinar, and more.
The full list of LO Grower Awards of Excellence winners can be found online at gfl.me/h687.