June 15, 2019

Enter the 2019 Landscape Ontario Awards of Excellence program
Whether you sell plants, design outdoor playgrounds, or install spectacular landscape lighting displays, it’s time for Landscape Ontario members to think about entering projects in the annual LO Awards of Excellence program.
Online entry opens July 1 for the Construction, Maintenance, Design and Garden Centre Awards of Excellence.
For nearly 50 years, LO’s annual awards program has recognized the talent, expertise, creativity and exceptional work of members across the province. Entering is your chance to show off your best work and winners can then promote their company as that of an award winner.
The LO Awards of Excellence program is open to Active and Interim members of the association. Entries are judged by a panel of industry experts, based on submitted images and project descriptions with each entry. Winners in the Construction, Maintenance and Design Program will be announced live on stage at the annual awards ceremony to be held in January 2020 as part of LO Congress, Canada’s Green Industry Show and Conference.
The Growers Awards of Excellence program will take place at the Industry Auction, this year hosted by JC Bakker & Sons in St. Catharines, Ont., on Sept. 12. For the growers program, entries of the best Ontario-grown plant material are judged live at the auction, then winners are announced at the beginning of the auction and then auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Categories range from broadleaf trees and evergreens, to perennials, vines and caliper trees. The top scoring entry is also awarded the Judges Choice.
Proceeds from the auction help to support sector initiatives, and industry research and scholarships.
The Garden Centre Awards program recognizes outstanding and creative retail displays of plant material, hardgoods and merchandise, as well as unique promotional events and advertising. Winners will be recognized at a sector-specific event to be determined.
To learn more about the LO Awards of Excellence program, visit LOawards.com. Questions can be directed to Myscha Stafford at awards@landscapeontario.com.
Online entry opens July 1 for the Construction, Maintenance, Design and Garden Centre Awards of Excellence.
For nearly 50 years, LO’s annual awards program has recognized the talent, expertise, creativity and exceptional work of members across the province. Entering is your chance to show off your best work and winners can then promote their company as that of an award winner.
The LO Awards of Excellence program is open to Active and Interim members of the association. Entries are judged by a panel of industry experts, based on submitted images and project descriptions with each entry. Winners in the Construction, Maintenance and Design Program will be announced live on stage at the annual awards ceremony to be held in January 2020 as part of LO Congress, Canada’s Green Industry Show and Conference.
The Growers Awards of Excellence program will take place at the Industry Auction, this year hosted by JC Bakker & Sons in St. Catharines, Ont., on Sept. 12. For the growers program, entries of the best Ontario-grown plant material are judged live at the auction, then winners are announced at the beginning of the auction and then auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Categories range from broadleaf trees and evergreens, to perennials, vines and caliper trees. The top scoring entry is also awarded the Judges Choice.
Proceeds from the auction help to support sector initiatives, and industry research and scholarships.
The Garden Centre Awards program recognizes outstanding and creative retail displays of plant material, hardgoods and merchandise, as well as unique promotional events and advertising. Winners will be recognized at a sector-specific event to be determined.
To learn more about the LO Awards of Excellence program, visit LOawards.com. Questions can be directed to Myscha Stafford at awards@landscapeontario.com.