November 1, 2016

LO home office raised the Dig Safe flag to mark Dig Safe Month in Milton with Acting Mayor Cindy Lunau in attendance.
Dig Safe Day at LO home office
The Ontario Regional Common Ground Alliance (ORCGA) visited Landscape Ontario home office June 6 to talk about the importance of the Dig Safe program and ON1Call with LO staff and Vanden Bussche Irrigation. LO executive director Tony DiGiovanni raised a dig safe flag with Milton’s acting mayor Cindy Lunau, while LO and Vanden Bussche staff members received Dig Safe t-shirts.
ORCGA president Ian Munro and board member Terry Murphy each discussed the importance of raising public and professional awareness of “calling before you dig,” and described the health and financial risks of neglecting the free Ontario One Call (ON1Call) system.
ON1Call was formed in 1996 to establish a call centre that receives excavation locate requests and notifies registered owners of underground facilities within the vicinity of the proposed excavation. Its mission is to reduce damages to underground facilities and promote safe excavation practices through the operation of a state-of-the-art One Call Centre for all facility owners in Ontario.
ORCGA president Ian Munro and board member Terry Murphy each discussed the importance of raising public and professional awareness of “calling before you dig,” and described the health and financial risks of neglecting the free Ontario One Call (ON1Call) system.
ON1Call was formed in 1996 to establish a call centre that receives excavation locate requests and notifies registered owners of underground facilities within the vicinity of the proposed excavation. Its mission is to reduce damages to underground facilities and promote safe excavation practices through the operation of a state-of-the-art One Call Centre for all facility owners in Ontario.