April 15, 2012
Dave Wright was born into Landscape Ontario

Dave Wright
Dave Wright owns and operates Wright Landscape Services in Bloomingdale.
“I have always seen the importance of networking with other guys in the industry,” says Wright.
He began volunteering on the Waterloo Chapter Board as a director, and a few years ago became president. For the past two years, Wright has served as the Chapter representative on the provincial board.
Some of his favourite memories are from his time spent volunteering for LO in the school yard greening projects for which Waterloo Chapter has become famous. “Those projects are such huge highlights.”
Wright says he receives great satisfaction from helping new Chapter members become connected within the industry. “I have learned a lot about effective leadership while serving on the Chapter and provincial boards.”
He feels the biggest challenge facing the association members is competing with all of the other things in life. “We are experiencing volunteer burnout in all areas of the association and low turnout to Chapter events.” He says it is up to the volunteers to encourage more members to become involved at some level within the association.
Besides his volunteer work with Landscape Ontario, Dave Wright also gives his time and energy to the Centre for Family Business and the School Yard Greening Committee at his daughter’s school.