April 15, 2013
Contributors to LO’s feature garden at Canada Blooms

Project managers: Paul Doornbos CLT, CLP of Thornbusch Landscaping; Brian Marsh of Earth Art Landscapes; Landscape design team: Paul Brydges and Marina Signer, both of of Brydges Landscape Architecture; Connie Cadotte CLD of Garden Retreats; Brandon Gelderman of Gelderman Landscaping; Ron Swentiski CLD and Anne Gilson, both of Trillium Associates; Hardscape: Pat Elo CLT of Earth Art Landscapes; Lighthouse: Dean McLellan of Dean McLellan Stoneworks; Water feature: James Garfield Thompson of Water Arts; Plant acquisition: Regine Marsh of Earth Art Landscapes; Recognition gazebo: Barry Hordyk of Shademaster Landscaping; Wood elements - arbour, screens/gazebo: Steve Carrothers of Aeon Gazebo; Lighting: John Higo of Turfcare Products/Illumicare; Tear down: Brandon Gelderman of Gelderman Landscaping.BUILD TEAM
Steve Carrothers and Justin Cransberry of Aeon Gazebo; Paul Brydges and Marina Signer of Brydges Landscape Architecture; Brian Marsh, Regine Marsh, Pat Elo CLT, Colin Marsh, Dean McClure and Matthew Miller, Earth Art Landscapes; Connnie Cadotte of Garden Retreats; Kevin Hackson CLT of Hackstone Landscapes; Dean McLellan of Dean McLellan Stoneworks; Andrew Hutten and Ken Hutten of Hutten and Co Landscaping; Laurie - Ann Stuart, Wayne Desormeaux and Jenn Raedts of LA Gardens; Jeff Lee of Lee’s Landscaping; Richard Kuizenga, Clarence Visser and Alex Verdonk of Shademaster Landscaping; Paul Doornbos of Thornbusch Landscaping; John Higo, Brad Willis, Scott Sims and Raymond Josephian of Turf Care Products Canada/Illumicare; James Garfield Thompson of Water Arts; Menno Braam of Whistling Dwarf Stone Work.SUPPLIERS
Aeon Gazebos, Boot’s Landscaping and Maintenance, Cast Lighting, Circle Rock, Connon Nurseries/NVK Holdings, Ground Effects Landscapes, Hutten and Co. Landscaping, Illumicare Group, Jill Jensen Botanicals, Limberlost Stone, Mori Nurseries, M. Putzer Hornby Nursery, Pebbleman Natural Stone, Silhouette City, Stam Nurseries, StoneRox, Turf Care Products Canada, Unilock, Upper Canada Stone, Vanden Bussche.VOLUNTEERS IN THE GARDEN
Steve Carrothers of Aeon Gazebos; Paul Brydges and Marina Signer of Brydges Landscape Architecture; Dean McLellan of Dean McLellan Stoneworks; Brian Marsh and Pat Elo CLT of Earth Art Landscapes; Connie Cadotte of Garden Retreats; Harry Gelderman CLT and Brandon Gelderman of Gelderman Landscaping; Edward Hewis of Ground Control Contracting; Kevin Hackson CLT of Hackstone Landscapes; Kim Goodwin of Living Landscapes; Brad Willis, Scott Sim and John Higo of Turf Care Products Canada/Illumicare; Pete Vanderley CLPof Vanderley Landscaping; Menno Braam of Whistiling Dwarf Stone Work; Don Voorhees and Laurie Leek.