September 15, 2008
Commit to higher levels of knowledge
Robert Adams
LO President
As we continue working to complete commitments to clients for the year, we must not forget ourselves and our families. Striving for excellence in an ever-changing world can only be achieved through perseverance and continued commitment to furthering our education, knowledge and improving ourselves.
We should also invest in our staff, by providing opportunities to improve their knowledge and confidence.
At this time of year, when we are struggling to complete jobs, I urge you to take a couple of minutes to think about what it would take to make you more successful. It may involve taking a course to expand your knowledge in a specific area. Or, maybe it includes having more knowledgeable staff and allowing them to demonstrate the confidence to fulfill what you ask of them.
Landscape Ontario is committed to promoting higher levels of knowledge in our industry. Through extensive feedback and research, Landscape Ontario has compiled a variety of educational opportunities to assist owners and employees to better understand and develop specific job skills. I urge everyone to consider attending one of our many courses throughout the winter season, but you need to ask yourself the questions now. Then call Landscape Ontario, or go online, to research the many avenues available to develop your personal skills.
Prosperity Partners is one avenue of opportunity. It is specifically geared towards owners/operators of companies to help make them high achievers. Since its inception last year, we have continued to develop this program, with its second phase running now and right through until spring of 2009. The program is something, I believe, we should all attend. Hopefully, some of you had the opportunity last year to experience and learn from the valuable information that was shared. Continuing with further development of the course structure and implementation of phase two will prove exciting, as well as informative.
If you don’t put effort into the process, how can you expect maximum results to follow? We must lead by example.
Robert Adams may be reached by email at
LO President

We should also invest in our staff, by providing opportunities to improve their knowledge and confidence.
At this time of year, when we are struggling to complete jobs, I urge you to take a couple of minutes to think about what it would take to make you more successful. It may involve taking a course to expand your knowledge in a specific area. Or, maybe it includes having more knowledgeable staff and allowing them to demonstrate the confidence to fulfill what you ask of them.
Landscape Ontario is committed to promoting higher levels of knowledge in our industry. Through extensive feedback and research, Landscape Ontario has compiled a variety of educational opportunities to assist owners and employees to better understand and develop specific job skills. I urge everyone to consider attending one of our many courses throughout the winter season, but you need to ask yourself the questions now. Then call Landscape Ontario, or go online, to research the many avenues available to develop your personal skills.
Prosperity Partners is one avenue of opportunity. It is specifically geared towards owners/operators of companies to help make them high achievers. Since its inception last year, we have continued to develop this program, with its second phase running now and right through until spring of 2009. The program is something, I believe, we should all attend. Hopefully, some of you had the opportunity last year to experience and learn from the valuable information that was shared. Continuing with further development of the course structure and implementation of phase two will prove exciting, as well as informative.
If you don’t put effort into the process, how can you expect maximum results to follow? We must lead by example.
Robert Adams may be reached by email at