Bill 148 resources and links
Bill 148 has now passed, however different parts of the Act come into effect at different times. Landscape Ontario has been receiving a lot of calls from member business owners on what the these changes to employment laws in Ontario mean for their business operations. We have compiled a list of articles, summaries and links below in order to help navigate the many changes under Bill 148.
Links to resources on Bill 148:
What you need to know about Bill 148This summary by LO Executive Director, Tony DiGiovanni from the January 2018 issue of Landscape Ontario magazine touches on the five main areas of the new labour laws that affect landscape and horticulture professionals.
Bill 148 - Six changes that could affect your workplace
Released Feb. 21, 2018, this article by Workplace Safety and Prevention Services focuses on the workplace changes to personal leave as a result of Bill 148.
Your Guide to the Employment Standards Act
Released Feb. 20, 2018, this guide on the Ministry of Labour website helps to explain your rights and obligations under the Employment Standards Act. This guide details minimum wage, hours of work, termination of employment, public holidays, pregnancy and parental leave, severance pay, vacation and more.
Landscape profession prepares for minimum wage increase
This feature article from the September, 2017 issue of Landscape Ontario magazine was published prior to Bill 148 receiving legislative approval and talks to various business owners in the landscape and horticulture profession on how they think the changes will impact their business in 2018.
Letter to the Editor,
RE: Fair Workplaces and Better Jobs Act, Ontario
Landscape Ontario member, Jay Murray, owner of TLC Professional Landscaping in London, Ont., looks at the financial impact of the proposed changes under Bill 148 to a typical landscape maintenance business.
A plan for fair workplaces and better jobs (Bill 148)
Ministry of Labour page that breaksdown the various changes with timelines/dates of when each will come into effect.
Bill 148, Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017
The entire Bill as presented and passed in the legislature.