November 16, 2021
2021 Annual Report
Landscape Ontario's Annual Report is a summary of association activities for the fiscal year Sept. 1, 2020 to Aug. 31, 2021. The Annual Report includes reports by various LO Chapters, Sector Groups, and committees, as well as a full list of volunteers and financial statements.
Dave Wright, LO PresidentTREASURER'S REPORT
Lindsey Ross, LO TreasurerMEMBERSHIP REPORT
Joe Salemi, LO Deputy Executive DirectorEXECUTIVE DIRECTOR'S REPORT
Tony DiGiovanni, LO Executive Director2021 CHAPTER REPORTS
Durham, Georgian Lakelands, Golden Horseshoe, London, Ottawa, Toronto, Upper Canada, Waterloo, Windsor2021 SECTOR GROUP REPORTS
Garden Centre, Grounds Management, Growers, Hardscape, Irrigation, Landscape Contractors, Landscape Designers, Lighting, Turfgrass Management, Snow and Ice Management2021 COMMITTEE REPORTS
Building, Canada Blooms, Canadian Nursery Landscape Association, Communications, Show, Human Resource Development, Pesticide Industry Council2021 VOLUNTEERS LIST
For the fiscal period: Sept. 1, 2020 to Aug. 31, 2021